Big Oil is in Big Trouble: Hydrogen and Biofuels as GreenwashingThe communications response by corporate Big Oil to the climate crisis is a masterclass in divide and distract public relations; while…Oct 5, 2021Oct 5, 2021
A Tale of Two Cities: PVD vs. BrownDisclaimer: I attend the Master’s program at Brown University’s Center for Biomedical Engineering and, well before I ever dreamed of…Aug 14, 2021Aug 14, 2021
Permeable Computing: A Framework for Perception-Altering Technologies, Designed in Defense of Self“Myself” is a strange portmanteau birthed of the linguistic inconvenience of attempting to describe intangibilities discovered during the…Apr 12, 2021Apr 12, 2021
The Problem with MathIndustry is fond of the notion that designers and engineers fail to see eye-to-eye and this tension results in avoidable design and…Feb 25, 2021Feb 25, 2021
Hooked on a FeelingIn the start-uppy lingospeak that permeates modern business culture and design, the term MVP (minimum viable product) is often thrown…Nov 25, 2020Nov 25, 2020
tldr; Facebook might be building Libra to avoid paying currency feesThere are two types of companies in the world that understand perception as reality better than everyone else: first and foremost are…Nov 1, 2019Nov 1, 2019
The Best Technology I Own Was New in 2011.I adopted a mid-2011 MacBook Air and, as is typical for all Medium posts, it became a metaphor for something much larger.Oct 27, 2019Oct 27, 2019
A Less Clickbaity Look at the Future Effects of Autonomous Vehicles: Retail, Ownership, and HomeIf current technologists/media/companies are to be believed, the future of autonomous driving is characterized by previously consumed…Oct 5, 2017Oct 5, 2017
The Unbelievable Cost Efficiencies of Manufacturing in Asia as Told by One Object: Scooter Build…Before returning that brushed motor that I later regretted purchasing, I plunked down a whole $12.99USD on a DC motor controller. Just shy…Aug 4, 2017Aug 4, 2017
FAKE NEWS IS EVERYWHERE: Scooter Build, Pt. 6So remember all that hub-bub I made about not being able to find a suitable brushless DC motor and blah blah blah back in Part Three and…Aug 4, 2017Aug 4, 2017